Using Mindfulness to Unlock Creativity
How meditation can help build a culture of original ideas.
There is a growing trend with workplaces trying to be become more efficient at innovation. The culture is biased toward rewarding accelerated pace, agile development and more efficient cost management. However, these same workplaces generally fall back on their habitual ways of dealing with day-to-day issues.
When asked to innovate in rapid succession, we tend to only ever evolve what’s already been done, we lack the ability to craft novel ideas and think outside the box. In other words, we think creating efficiencies is the antithesis to cultivating innovation. And yet, in order for innovation to succeed within the complexities of 21st century design, we as designers need to think more creatively.
So how do we allow rapid agility and creativity to thrive together in the workplace? Well we start by shifting our mindset. By resetting the intention of thought by slowing down the mind and taking time away.
I first began experimenting with a mindfulness practice as a way to help create harmony in the workplace. What I discovered was the immensely positive impact it had on the creative process.